Net Savvy

Monday, October 10, 2005

Did you copy that ???

I site design offers some basic good sense advice on Writing Effective Web Copy that might be of interest to those who have created their own sites, either for business or pleasure. Consideration of the end-user is crucial in crafting copy that sells. Just remember: Seek to inform your visitors, not overwhelm them.

Monday, October 03, 2005

10 Web Design Tips

May business owners are relatively new to the web. This doesn't make them any less capable of earning and growing therir business. To the contrary, a new web presence will only increase your exposure and sales. It will also help to establish your company's brand online. It does, however, require a certain amount of effort on the part of the site builder to make certain that your pages are all they can be. Here are 10 Web Design tips to consider as you build your company's web presence. Enjoy!